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Writer's pictureMargot Merah

Songwriting and Crochet

Updated: Jun 30, 2021

I’ve always had a love for yarn. Colours, materials, patterns, stitches, combinations, the possibilities are endless. And all that starts with one thread! It's magical to me. I knitted many, many outfits for my barbie dolls as a kid and many jumpers and scarfs for myself and friends as a teenager. Somewhere along the line I traded knitting for crochet. Don’t know exactly when, but do know why: it’s faster!

For somebody as impatient as I am, it is quite remarkable that I like to crochet. Even with it being faster than knitting, it still takes hours to make something. So why do I do it? Apart from the payoff - a unique, handmade something - it is because crocheting gives me the opportunity to multitask! I don’t ever ‘just’ crochet. I do it while doing something else. Right now I am watching the European championships football and making a piano cover simultaneously. Another good one is crocheting while being in transit. I remember getting on board of a plane with a ball of yarn and a hook. 10 hours later I was at the other side of the world with a handmade gift for the person I was visiting. And I like to crochet while listening to the recordings for my new album. I am always very afraid to listen to myself so the hook and the yarn are my filter :)

Another thing I do when crocheting is: thinking. This might sound strange, but it really works for me. I don’t often take time to sit and think about things and crocheting gives my mind the chance to wander. It can go anywhere, and it does. Life, death, kids, parents, how do I become a better person, friends, moving house, how to respond to somebody who was unfriendly, video projects, why I ‘always’ do or want things a certain way, plans, careers, should I become vegan – and what would that be like, photo projects, which plants are good for bees, who have I neglected lately, projects in general, should I become a nurse, a hairdresser…

Last but not least, with all this free-thinking going on, very often little pieces of songs will show up. Lyrics, poems, melodies. I can go in endless circles with these, changing words around, humming songs, changing meaning or melody. Most of them never get written (I consider myself more or less the queen of the unfinished song anyway) but I am convinced it helps me with the songs I eventually do write.

So… that’s me and crocheting.

love, Margot

I crocheted this owl for the Patreon site of The Lasses. We raffled it off and sent it all the way to the US:)


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